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So I took a week off my full time job in the health and social care arena which like most jobs can be very busy – I hadn’t had a break since March and it had been about 4 months so I was in need of some self-care and love. On one of the days I thought where can I just drive for a few hours and hopefully get some fresh air, sun, a peaceful walk and a beach? Flamborough of course! They have a small beach, cliffs and the famous head. Ok, so it’s not quite Niagara Falls and I’ve back-packed for 3 months to get here but who cares?! The principles and why this trip empowered me is all that matters…

The start from Lincoln to The Humber Bridge

Firstly, my trip started from Lincoln here in the UK where I live, driving up the A15 to one of the most underrated bridges in the worldThe Humber Bridge! It’s £1.50 to get across and it is just stunning, like driving to Lincoln you can see the Lincoln Cathedral from afar, driving up to and over the bridge in the sun soaring at around 30 degrees (which is rare in the UK) was just so relaxing. I could already start to feel any stress, anxiety or worries fade away. I mean look at this image I found online by David Houghton?

From Hull to Flamborough

Hull is a vibrant City that is continuing to grow, particularly since winning the UK City of Culture – I ended up driving along the A63 which mirrors the River Humber and it was just stunning – the marina in particular has had a massive overhaul and I started dreaming of having a Yacht! Again! It was really pretty and my mind was wandering already away from all the stresses of everyday life, windows down, relaxing music on and fresh air was already starting to flow in – perfect!

I then start to get up onto the A165 which takes you to Bridlington and then Flamborough; however, as it was a sunny day the traffic started to increase – I was in no rush so detoured through some lovely villages such as Foston on the Wolds. This split second decision at the junction was one of my first highlights, something empowered me to just detour and slow down!! I realised it was the driving, the journey already was opening my mind up to different routes to the same place – we’ll come back to this!

It took me an extra 20 minutes to get to Flamborough but who cares I was in no rush as I said. The views driving this way was again beautiful country side and villages. I’m not going to lie, some of them gave me the creeps! They were so peaceful, well looked after and beautifully lit up in the sun I had a sense of anxiety of actually living there and being cut off from the world. Of course I fully understood completely why the people living here do, the quality of life and probably extension of your life living here was probably better and longer. But not for me right now, soon got going! Ha ha.

Flamborough Cliffs to Flamborough Head

I finally arrive and park up, it then dawned on me I had no change for parking! Eeek! I stood at the machine and felt stupid, I thought it would be contactless payments or through an app – nope! Hard cash, I don’t ever carry cash and now I’m paying the price. Luckily, I found a £10 note in my car and I very nicely asked a girl walking past me if there was any chance she please had change? She said yes of course and just handed me over all her change for about £2.30. I said wow thank you please take the £10 but she just refused. This act of kindness just blew me away, I then realised I had ARRIVED in Yorkshire! Like Lincolnshire, the folk up here are just lovely and so friendly. Why had I forgotten this? I think again I’d been wrapped up in work and home life etc and this was my second highlight – this act of kindness has now empowered me to do something kind for another. As I walked away I kept thinking damn wish I had some bath bombs on me to give her some! Then I thought damn get her email or something, but she had gone, never mind.

It was time for the trail from the Cliffs to the Head along what can only be shared best with you via images which I’ve popped in below – I took them all on my iPhone XR and of course mastered the selfie!

NOW I’m empowered

Finally, as I was now walking along the cliffs and admiring this view in the sunshine I started to self-reflect on the world and me and what I was doing etc. After all it is number 2 on my 10 ways to practice self-care blog. It’s only natural I think when you are going on a trip alone. My brain works extremely fast, often even typing just can’t keep up it’s a bit weird and I get a lot of creative and radical ideas all the time – most of the radical ones do scare the life out of people so I won’t share them today. As I stood literally at the edge of the cliff (video evidence below) it dawned on me why I still make the bath bombs and why I still work! I want Financial Freedom, I want to be able to just decide to do day trips and bigger trips like this whenever I want. I don’t want to work until I retire and then die, I want to hopefully get out more and learn more and meet new people. I felt so empowered! Ok, well the sun, fresh air and the fact I’d been cooped up for months probably got me a bit excited like a dog! Ha ha.

I took away a new idea for some children’s bath bombs, I’m going to name them after beaches across the UK and scent them in fruits and bright colours. As I still enjoy making them and they really do continue to help me break away from technology – if you ever want to have a go yourself the recipe is on my blog here.

The walk took me about a good hour and a half to get all the way to the light house and Flamborough Head; although along the route people was saying hello and engaging with me and also offering to take my picture etc. but I politely advised them I think I’m good – I’ve learnt to master the selfie! Another master skill which will put me on the route to financial freedom! 😄

I hope you’ve found this blog of my day trip to Yorkshire fun to read and of course there’s a few more pictures below you might like. As always please do check out my handmade bath bombs and think of me if you need a treat for yourself or others in my Shop – who knows this might be one direction that could lead to my freedom! Please don’t forget to share, like and comment on your social media it really helps my online business grow. Thanks for your support.