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Photo by Danai Kanson.

You probably don’t need me to tell you or reference some other online stats that Mental Health amongst men (obviously women too) is on the rise, and they are less likely to seek help.

Self-care is not just a trend; it is a vital activity to maintain a healthy work-life balance for yourself and take care of yourself for others that rely on you so you can be physically and mentally well for your loved ones. This is something I’ve only recently learned, and like all things will continue to do so.

You might socialise with friends, take a walk up a big peak, go cycling, play computer games, play darts or go to the gym (not me because I just talk to people and people don’t really want that in the gym whilst cycling 250mph); the list is endless.

So why is it important for men to take time out for themselves and re-energise? Well people will be relying on you, and if you’re not well it will impact those around you. Then eventually, you will most likely burnout.

For me, my full-time job requires me to spend a lot of time working behind a computer screen, my work is rewarding, but it is virtual – it’s not physical, I am not making something like a wooden table or cake! Then one day out of nowhere I had a dream I handmade bath bombs, right here in Lincoln, really?

Those of you that know me will know I am not one to let things pass me by, so I started Googling recipes and learning all things bath bombs. Let me tell you now! It was not easy. Bath bombs are probably the most fiddly things in the world to learn how to make. Plus, don’t get me started on humidity and the life-sucking ability it has to deflate a bath bomb from the super duper fizz – nightmare!

The thing is, for me, making bath bombs is just so relaxing. I am forced to put my devices down and for a couple of hours whilst I’m making them in my sexy safety goggles, pinny and latex gloves; I am focussed on physically making something which additionally smells amazing from all the pure Essential Oils. So, this works for me well, taking the time out to handmake a product that I can see, touch and recognise is quite satisfying.

Not only that, I’ve learnt along the way, I’ve learnt about chemicals, essential oils, their benefits, cosmetics generally, brand design, website design, product design and worryingly the amount of utter horrible products on the market you really don’t know what is in them. Not to mention what is in bath bombs sold by large companies. It is really quite scary, but not unique to any product we all buy I know. It did motivate me to make a better quality assured bath bomb though, which I suspect is where I’m discovering my own personal values and what I care about the most in life.

The problem is, as everyone will just about be thinking by now, where on earth do I find the time to do anything like this. You really need to find time, as I believe it is very important and actually makes me much more productive and settled. One of the downsides of mental health and working towards a burnout is that feeling of anxiety and being in a damn right foul mood – something we can easily fix with a bit of tender loving self-care. Don’t feel guilty at all. I don’t.

By taking time out for myself and doing something like making my bath bombs it has now led to me running my first side hustle selling them to fellow bath bomb lovers. The website is absolutely stunning and I’ve been able to draw upon my inspiration from beautiful British lakes that I try and visit as often as I can. I am looking forward to writing more about those in the future! For now though I hope you like the website, check out the Shop and if you have never tried a bath bomb – well….you are missing out. They really do help relax you.

So what do you do for your self-care routine? Is it important to you? What advice would you give to somebody starting on this journey?