Photo by Andrew Butler
It’s been 6 months since my first blog on the extract of Cannabinoids called CBD from the Cannabis/Hemp plants ‘What is CBD (Cannabidiol)? Here comes the UK bath bomb revolution‘ and still the market in the UK is growing exponentially. Interestingly, this industry in the UK has doubled in the past 2 years following a BBC report at the end of 2019 which also highlighted the potential confusion and concerns in buying this within the UK and unclear legal regulations.
However, there is still a lot of confusion and incorrect information I read each day on CBD within the UK – so taking it upon myself to help this industry be clearer and safer. So, in this blog, I’m going to share with you what I have learnt developing one of the UK’s leading Bath Bomb businesses selling CBD Bath Bombs legally. I’ll also summarise the latest information and truth about CBD in the UK and why I decided to create the CBD Bath Bomb range. Something I never would have thought of creating when I first started zebomb.
Let’s jump straight in…
Is CBD a drug then?
Technically in its ‘pure‘ form, no (he says), however, the cannabis (known as marijuana) or hemp plant, when used in its raw form, is classed as a drug. CBD is extracted from its sister plant ‘Hemp’. However, it is important to understand how cannabinoids (CBD) is produced and when the psychoactive elements (THC) are removed within a lab stop you from getting the high associated with the raw plant. I won’t be covering the detail in this blog, but my FREE UK CBD GUIDE which goes into the science of how this is done to ensure it is legal to use in the UK, particularly within cosmetic products can be fired into your inbox if you pop in your email address below:
To date, in 2018, the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did approve the first CBD drug called Epidiolex for the treatment primarily of epilepsy. So, the company basically extracts all the good cannabinoids from the plant and then re-uses this as a medical drug. In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) has also now approved the use of what they call ‘Medical cannabis (and cannabis oils)‘ for similar use but extending to include conditions to ease the side effects of chemotherapy and multiple sclerosis (MS). I think this approval by the NHS is a big milestone and now helps people realise it is a serious new form of product.
So, yes it can become a drug, however, for example, I use the ‘pure‘ form of CBD Isolate which is a powdered form extracted from the plant and 99.9% pure. The word ‘pure‘ is the key bit – meaning there is zero THC. This is the only form of CBD that is legal in the UK, a lot of companies will advertise 0.2% THC in CBD Oils etc, but this is technically illegal and the UK government has issued a statement to advise companies selling CBD it will now start to be checked and action taken. So when you buy CBD products make sure there is NO THC! The THC is the bit that basically makes you high and potentially shows up on a drug test, it is the psychoactive part of the plant. Simple hey? I love this quote from the NHS page about THC so one to remember:
It’s likely most of these products – even those called “CBD oils” – will be illegal to possess or supply. There’s a good chance they will contain THC, and may not be safe to use. Health stores sell certain types of “pure CBD”. However, there’s no guarantee these products will be of good quality.
The NHS medical page even goes on to agree with my opinion that the risks using CBD when there is no THC and if it is pure don’t carry unknown risks:
The risks of using cannabis products containing THC (the chemical that gets you high) are not currently clear. That’s why clinical trials are needed before they can be used.
“Pure” products that only contain CBD, such as Epidyolex, do not carry these unknown risks linked with THC.
So, why is the market such a mess? It’s simply because it is new, and people still have connections mentally to Cannabis and this is seen as a drug and potentially not appropriate socially. Companies clearly don’t really understand the product either in my opinion. For example, my bath bombs have to be Cosmetic Product Safety Assessed (CPSA) legally and I am personally responsible (known as the Responsible Person (RP)) for what is in the cosmetic product and its ingredients are checked by a qualified chemist before they can be sold. Getting the safety assessment took me a long time and was costly, but at least I know mine are safe and that is why it continues to be a popular product. Honesty in the market is important, and I can provide that.
I also find people usually find themselves discovering CBD when they become ill from conditions such as Cancer or long-term conditions causing pain. This is mainly because there is a lot of feedback online suggesting various benefits, but I think CBD is something you need to try yourself and make up your own mind – it is a bit like an Essential Oil in my opinion and low dosages in a bath bomb, for example, can be great to relax.
Why does it come in dosages then?
I won’t lie, getting my head around the milligrams (MG) was a nightmare. I had to study quite hard to understand this and ask some qualified chemists I went to university with and friends I had met (thank you to those who helped me) what this was and how much to put in a bath bomb – including how to use digital scales! The feedback online and some studies from people using CBD say the following. However I must stress this is in no way a claim of these benefits, the verdict is still out there on this and is only a guide:
- 25MG per day for low anxiety or aches and pains (ideal for everyday users)
- 50MG per day for people working out and extreme activity or increased conditions (ideal for gym fit peeps)
- 100MG per day for people experiencing high anxiety or pain and severe conditions (ideal for people with long term conditions)
Most CBD oil providers do produce various charts of recommendations etc, but again it is a product you need to try yourself and I actually think the NHS medical page above is a really good guidance piece for consumers. If 25 does nothing, try the 50 and then the 100 as each body is different and your endocannabinoid systems (ECS) (again download the guide for the science) is different for each person.
I love the cute little warning icons I’ve put on my bath bombs to say they contain CBD and the doses of 25, 50 and 100MG. So cute 😀
Why in a bath bomb then?
Good question, when I started to receive emails early last year asking me if I have any CBD Bath Bombs, I thought what on earth are they talking about? I did a quick Google and thought, my word what on earth am I reading?
I then became very intrigued, the world of CBD products was very daunting as there was no clear support from the UK government or trading standards. So to some extent, as I’ve learnt about CBD and how to safely use this in a cosmetic product I’ve become a bit of an expert and understand now why there are very few companies in the UK selling CBD Bath Bombs.
It was very hard to get my Bath Bombs legally approved. The reason? Because of the Cosmetic Product Safety Regulations (CPSR). Unlike CBD Oils which is classed as a food supplement where there are grey areas, there is literally none with cosmetics. If you’re going to bathe in something or put it on your skin you have to specifically list the exact scientific ingredient, the amount and source of all products. A chemist will check this and approve its safety. Well…there were times I nearly gave up.
Ok, rant over – so why a bath bomb? Well, in a nut-shell, when you lay in a bath the essential oils and aromas already create a sense of relaxation and serenity and your pores from the hot water open up. Now these pores are open the CBD Isolate will then directly enter your blood-stream! Unlike CBD Oils which you ingest, there is no degradation from your stomach acid eroding its effectiveness. It is direct to the bloodstream and indications from feedback suggest better direct effects.
I think this blog summary should give you the low-down to date on CBD in the UK and you have nothing to lose really by trying one. So when you put in your next order why not mix and match and pop one in to try alongside your regular Bath Bombs. Let me know what your experience is? Elly, a zebomb customer shared her story with us on a previous blog: Elly’s story on using a CBD bath bomb and 8 key questions. I’ve now got 8 British lake inspired Bath Bombs to choose from, 4 regular Bath Bombs and 4 with CBD, so head on over to the Shop and grab yours today. Remember I ship for free!