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Photo by Dzenina Lukac 

As we’re fast approaching another year I think this months blog is going to be a short and snappy guide on my tips for surviving this years holiday season. This year has been challenging and a real eye opening for all of us so let’s get stuck in…

Be kind

Firstly to yourself! I am terrible at self-deprivation and honestly mainly because it is fun – but equally this is not good so I’m trying to stop it and you should too. It goes without saying you should always treat people how you would want to be treated as well. So please be kind to others, it is very easy to judge but each of us (in fact I believe all of us) at some stage will struggle with mental health and personal worries that we are not always aware of when out and about interacting with people.

Know your limits

Ha! I know you’re thinking alcohol! YES…but also your mental and physical health and capacity. We are all guilty of overworking, feeling like we’ve not done enough or we’ve slept in, vegged in front of the TV…blah blah blah. I am very much like this, I think time is precious and I want to do valuable things – but, as I ventured into my 30’s I started to realise that this is just not good for your health mentally and physically. You must know your limits and you must know when to take breaks and recharge your batteries. Now is the time.

Ensure you take care of number one

I know it’s become a bit of trendy buzz word but this is still extremely important. Self-care is the number one priority for you this season and I wrote about this in my very first blog on zebomb. Reflecting on all my blogs I’ve written this year there are several on how this may be achieved below and how I think I am slowly getting better at this:

If you have a close family or wider, I’m sure a lot of people rely on you for a variety of things and you can’t help them if you’re not feeling great. This of course extends to friends, if you added up everyone you support in a variety of ways you’ll feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Take a BREAK!

Digital detox

I covered this in my blog 10 ways to practice self-care and it is still important to switch off and be present with yourself, others and try limit and structure the inevitable increase in Video Calling this season. FaceTime, Zoom and Video Calling is fantastic to catch up and see your loved ones, but keep it well structured and worthwhile if you can.

Do some self-reflecting

This one is hard! Nobody really enjoys being completely alone or silence itself for long periods of time; however, if you can self-reflect and even do some mindfulness or just 10 minutes to relax to yourself you will feel the benefit. Even if it’s a 10 minute walk outside.

You can’t really move forward if you’re not really learning from your past. There is more on this and some reflective techniques in the blog link above☝️.

Make something

Since discovering how handmaking bath bombs helps me relax and relflect etc. this time of year is perfect to get making something. It can be anything but would recommend something you can share or others can enjoy. At this time of year I make Mince Pies! I get great feedback on them and they are just lovely. Look here is the evidence…

Say thank you

Finally, the most important thing you could do this season is just say thank you. For everything you have little or small, health, love, food, friends, family etc. and all the support you receive from any source.

I hope this blog has helped get you ready for this holiday season and may I take the opportunity to wish everybody well and a happy time – and of course thank you for all your support. Get planning for next years challenges and I’ll see you on the other side with lots more Bath Bomb making for my Shop 🤣.